Home > Uncategorized > Is It Fake News Or Agenda Based Propaganda ?

Is It Fake News Or Agenda Based Propaganda ?

fake news

For millenniums the way history has been recorded is by the victors and how they saw it. The news of the battles were designed to keep the people happy and show them how strong their society was but it was also recorded that way to keep the people in line and their enemies at bay with fear.  

Somewhere along the way something changed as people decided to give the REAL NEWS about the battles and the loses their enemies had inflicted on them. then that morphed into what we commonly know as the press. 

The press decided that the people needed to know what the TRUTH was and what was really happening to keep them informed so they could properly defend themselves and make decisions based on the facts, not what their governments wanted them to believe in. 

This worked great for the people for many years and was so important to our Forefathers that they made it the number one amendment of our Constitution. Unfortunately somewhere along the line it morphed into back into an agenda based need to know what I want you to know news cycle again. 

Thus the reemergence of FAKE NEWS has made it back into the worlds society again. 

We have all seen over the years how the press or mainstream media have changed, thus changing politics along the way. Democrats using race and scare tactics to get votes and support, Republicans using much the same thing vs actually trying to do what is right for the people in the country and giving them the proper information to make decisions on their own about things. Unfortunately a majority of people buy into it thus the uptick in FAKE NEWS or Agenda based news. 

What doesn’t help is the fact that ALL OUR SOCIAL MEDIA SITES do the same thing vs letting information flow to the people like they were originally intended. So now people are so messed up they no longer know what to believe and the biggest problem is they don’t try to think for themselves and just believe what is put in front of them as fact instead of searching for the truth. 

The truth and facts are out there but we as a society must take the time to search for it. We are unfortunately finding out now that our tech giant GOOGLE is hiding stories and news to propagate their own agenda of keeping the people in line to a leftist socialist belief system.

This is unacceptable to all we believe as Americans and goes against our Constitutional rights. Free speech is not a privilege it is a right guaranteed to us by our forefathers who started our nation and no one is allowed to suppress that right no matter how much one may disagree with your point of view.  

It is up to us as citizens to put a stop to this suppression but it is also up to us to educate ourselves so we can make decisions that are good for ALL of us not just a certain persons beliefs or political parties beliefs above it’s people and nation. 

So is it FAKE NEWS or Agenda Based Propaganda ??? Honestly it is both. You have Facebook suppressing Conservative viewpoints to push a Liberal Agenda, Google suppressing news to push their Socialist agenda, Twitter is suppressing Pro Life view points yet allowing Pro Abortion platform they believe in, Republicans and Democrats pushing their agendas over the good of the people as a whole and lets not for get we have those out there who post things to cause chaos to everyone with fake news and ransom-ware attacks because they love it. 

So I ask all of you to please educate yourself and fight back. Don’t take things at face value. Always question what they say and make decisions based on fact not just based on the news reports of your favorite news sites. We all have a brain so use it. If you see something that you don’t agree with question it, engage the people, sites or our governments but do it in a civilized manner and don’t resort to name calling as that never works. 

There will always be fake news and propaganda but an educated person never falls for it. 

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