
Posts Tagged ‘We The People’

Opinion: Our Ports Are Under Siege

September 30, 2021 Leave a comment

Right now there are bottlenecks of cargo ships off both coasts. Why ??? Because 80% of all US ports are now foreign owned.

Yes you heard that correct and the largest port owner in the United States is CHINA. YES CHINA RUNS OUR PORTS.

For years now the government has been selling our ports to foreign companies vs leasing them out. And yes it is both parties who are to blame for this.

I believe that the time has come for the United States to take back ownership of our ports for national security.

I am sure most of you have noticed that our prices have gone up dramatically over the past few years. The reason is that the foriegn companies are cheap and trying to destroy our economy and country from within and this is definitely not a conspiracy theory it is very real.

Foreign companies are no longer fully running the ports 24 hrs a day anymore to maximize their profits and hurt our economy by making fake shortages thus creating higher prices for consumers.

United States Customs no longer have control thus drugs and weapons are easily slipping into the country due to this. Not to mention the amount of illegal aliens and possible terrorists they are bringing in on these ships.

We must take back control of our ports before it is too late. Why is the government allowing this to happen ???

Bad enough the borders are wide open now we are having security problems at our ports. The government needs to stop this now and secure our country before it is too late.


January 16, 2018 Leave a comment


Back in September I wrote about a common sense solution to DACA that numerous people all over the world thought was fair and made sense. Unfortunately Washington Politicians didn’t think it was because it doesn’t fit their agenda.

We guess what Washington this is what the people want and now I am adding OUR SOLUTION for other things to it.

  1. COMPLETE ELIMINATION OF THE VISA LOTTERY SYSTEM – Yes completely end it. do not allocate the visas elsewhere just eliminate the program all together.
  2. END CHAIN MIGRATION AS WE KNOW IT – That’s right this is the most abused program out there and here is the People’s Solution. Only allow immediate family in such as Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Grandmother and Grandfather. THAT’S IT. No one else may come in under this program. If any other relatives desire to come to America then they must go through the Legal Immigration Process. DACA RECIPIENTS DO NOT QUALIFY FOR THIS PROGRAM EVER EVEN IF THEY BECOME AMERICAN CITIZENS. The reason the DACA Recipients never qualify for this is because this would then legalized over 2 Million DAPA recipients who broke the law bringing their children here illegally in the first place and we don’t reward criminals not matter who they are.
  3. MERIT BASED IMMIGRATION ONLY – We can longer allow just anyone to come to this country just because they want to. We need to change our immigration to reflect a changing economy and needs in our workforce. So from now on anyone coming here must speak English, must be educated in a specialized field that our country needs, must have a clean criminal record and have a job waiting for them when they get here in their specialized field. Pretty simple and straight forward.
  4. BORDER SECURITY AND WALL FUNDING – This is extremely important aspect of any DACA Deal. We must secure our borders with modern technological features not just a wall. The President can very easily have Mexico and actually all the other nations pay for this by charging a 2% Electronic Funds Fee to all money being sent outside the United States. This fee will actually offset all money put out by congress with much more going to future security and other programs throughout the country.

So by using my plan for DACA and these 4 Points this is a bill that all Americans can live with and both Republicans and Democrats can support. Now we have to get them to listen to it and implement what we want for OUR country. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH

ANTIFA Attacks Boston Police And A Little Old Lady Holding American Flag

August 20, 2017 1 comment


Yesterday 300 Pro Free Speech activists held a permitted rally in Boston Common. It was very peaceful and NOT NEO NAZI’S, KKK or WHITE SUPREMACISTS just Conservatives to show support for the 1st Amendment and Free Speech. 

But outside the Common, about a mile away, we had 30,000 Protesters, or as I call them THUGS, amassed to counter protest the Free Speech Rally.

Included were the Domestic Terrorist groups ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter as well as the socialists and Far Left Thugs. They were not there for peace but to disrupt the event and the city. 

The Pro Free Speech group held their rally and even ended early to avoid conflict for themselves and the city according to Boston Police officials who then escorted them out the other side of the park to avoid ANTIFA and others. 

ANTIFA and the other thugs were not happy because they had no one to go after but that didn’t last long. They found a little old lady in her mid 60’s holding up an american flag peacefully and they decide to grab the flag from her and dragging her along the ground as she refused to give up or give in to the THUGS. 


Courtesy Of Fox News

Fortunately she was not seriously injured. Just a few bumps and bruises along with a cut elbow from where she hit the ground and was dragged. You can watch the full video here as it was captured live by FOX NEWS

So ANTIFA and the other Thugs had to turn their anger and hate against…YEAH YOU GUESSED IT…The Boston Police BUT THEY WERE READY FOR THEM. The police pushed back and hard saying, “NOT IN OUR CITY !!!”

ANTIFA THREW URINE AT THE POLICE OFFICERS AND OTHERS. This is the answer that ANTIFA had for the Boston Police. 


But the Boston Police held strong and even got support from President Trump 


download (1)

So when is all said and done. The Boston Police Department did an excellent job and kept the citizens and property safe in Boston while also arresting over 33 ANTIFA THUGS who attacked them and maintained peace and order despite being outnumbered by these thugs. BRAVO BOSTON POLICE DEPARTMENT !!! 

Now you would never know this story because the mainstream media has a completely different story they are spinning on this. They are calling ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter and the rest of the Alt Left HEROES not the thugs they are. Basically throwing more gas on the FIRE for RATINGS. 

The time has come to call ANTIFA what they are and that is DOMESTIC TERRORISTS and there is even a petition up on the White House Petition site WE THE PEOPLE where you can put up petitions and if you get 100,000 signatures in 30 days or less the WHITE HOUSE will give you an answer on it. 

Well this one is already halfway there after only 3 days and I am asking everyone to go HERE and sign the petition TODAY to help get it done. 

We must stand up to anyone who tries to suppress our Constitutional Rights especially FREE Speech. If they remove one right then the rest will be easy to remove and then we are no longer FREE but in a dictatorship run by Liberals and LEFTISTS. So Wake Up America and come together PEACEFULLY and fight for your right to be FREE as so many before us have done even losing their lives making sure we were a FREE NATION. 

The American Coup d’état Is Over

October 17, 2013 2 comments


America just witnessed its own Coup d’état with the government shutdown fight. Only instead of the military fighting to gain control of the country it was the Democrats & President vs the Republicans for control of the government.

We all saw this fight coming but no one thought it would be this bad. No one thought that the White House would go out of its way to hurt the American people the way it did. Everyone thought that this would be a power struggle between them and they would negotiate & compromise it out and it would be over. Man oh man were we wrong.

House republicans kept coming up with bills to avoid shut down and compromised on each one, however the President & Senate killed each one they wanted OBAMACARE. They wanted what they wanted no compromise, no negotiations, its my way or the highway.  Finally the government shutdown and so began the democratic plan to inflict pain on the American people to force a resolution.

The White House & Democrats knew well in advance what they were going to do and did just that to kill off the Republican party, to take full control of the government and make the American public fall in line with what they wanted.

They said the House was doing nothing to end the shut down and touted that all over the airways, which the President & Democrats now control, but in reality the House was doing exactly what it was supposed to do and that was to pass funding bills to open the government.  Yet each one was killed and were never even voted on because the President & Democrats wanted Obamacare.

The constitution states in Article I, Section 8 that it is Congress’ job to levy taxes and fund the government and they were doing just that with every funding bill they passed. The Senate and President decided no, they were going to be the ones to get the government-funded, thus technically bypassing the rules & laws of the Constitution and rendering Congress powerless.

Now comes the debt ceiling, which by the way, the Republicans have always said they would never let America default on it obligations, and once again the President & Democrats blocked their clean bill to raise the ceiling. Why did they block it? Because the President and Democrats wanted Obamacare, the government reopened and debt ceiling all wrapped into one neat package, no negotiations just do it.

So once again the Republicans in the House came up with a plan but it was blocked by the President & Democrats because it wasn’t what they said to do.  So now the President orders Democratic Senate Leader, Harry Reid, to put together their plan and find a flunky Republican that will go along with it to make it look Bipartisan and they found RINO Mitch McConnell. Who some are saying received a nice big kickback for him being a turncoat or Benedict Arnold to the American people & Republican Party.

So they worked and put together the Presidents plan and added their own pork to the bill and forced a vote and sent it to the House to pass.  Unfortunately the Republicans were out of time and couldn’t let America default and they had to eat crow and pass it even though it was a bad bill for the American people. So the President & Democrats won and the Coup d’état was over and so was the power of Congress.

We now only had one power in our Republic and that was the President & Democrats. It is a sad day in American History we have gone from a democratic process to a dictatorship overnight and the people didn’t even get a chance to fight back because the people they voted for to represent them were rendered powerless by a power-hungry President & Democratic Party.

Have no fear though America, we are not dead. This is just another battle for us to remain a free Republic. We will fight this and we will win back our country. We will not go quietly into the night, we will fight for right to be free and for our country. As we speak I am sure the Republicans are working on ways to fix this and I know for a fact that grassroots factions are springing up all around our country to vote these traitors, who are trying to take our country over, out of office. You must stand strong and fight back. You have the power to do this so don’t give up.



October 16, 2013 1 comment


Always remember that in this Country it’s not only permissible to question our leaders, it’s our responsibility ! NEVER forget that.

You have that right and you should always exercise it when ever you see injustice. Don’t follow blindly thinking it will all be alright, they will make it right, because even they need to be reminded that it is about helping the people not themselves or big business.

They need to be reminded they were elected to help the PEOPLE not themselves and if they don’t do that then vote them out of office and elect someone who will help the people.

We just witnessed the last of the greatest generation our nation has ever seen do just that. They went to Washington and showed them how unhappy they were with the government, they tore down the barricades blocking our National Monuments and they then descended on the White House and made their voice heard not only to the President & our leaders but to the world.

They are called the greatest generation for a reason. They were born during the biggest depression the world has ever seen, no food, no jobs, no homes but they continued on. They fought to survive and did just that. They then saw a dictator try to take over the world and extinguish an entire race out of pure hated and they wouldn’t let that happen. So they came together and fought him and his army and ended that threat to the world.

They saw the world come to the brink of nuclear war but they fought and got through that. Then came more war and they fought and questioned their leaders again and won again. These proud people never gave up the fight for America and the world and continue to fight to this day.

Unfortunately there aren’t many of those great patriots left in the world so it is up to us to continue the fight. We must continue to fight for our freedoms and our rights in the world. We must never let them tell us what is best for us when we are the ones in the real world living and struggling to survive. We know better than them and we must always remind them of this and fight to make sure they do what is right for the people.

Sadly for the past 2 generations we haven’t put up much of a fight or even cared because the greatest generation had already gotten most of what we needed for us. We have sat back and taken advantage of them and have forgotten that Freedom isn’t Free. We have forgotten that what we have must be fought for or it will be taken away forever when we aren’t looking.

It is time that we WAKE UP and look around at the world around us and what is happening. We must stop being followers and be leaders and fighters. We must fight what is just and fair in the world. We can’t sit back and just rely on our leaders or other to make the world and our countries better.

We must get out there and do our part to make sure our leaders do what is right. Stop thinking you can’t make a difference because you can. Look back at the history of the world and look at how every generation since the beginning of time had to fight and struggle to make this a better world. Look at the history of your own country and see the sacrifices that was made so you may have a better world than the one they had. Stop being followers and start being leaders and fighters for those who can’t fight for themselves. 

Since the very first government was ever formed people have been fighting for freedom and our rights. I know you can’t believe that we got them all so why bother fighting anymore. Look around at the world, people are starving, sick, homeless and oppressed all over the world and yes even here in America, this great Republic. The politicians & the rich keep getting richer off the backs of the people, so do you honestly think the fight is over ? 

It is time to wake up and show the greatest generation that the fight they fought was not in vain. So yes please question your leaders and fight for your rights for the world and country you love or they will be gone. The time is now that we are saying to our leaders in one LOUD voice that “WE THE PEOPLE ARE BACK !!!”